Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All hail, Kleenex!

The obligatory first-of-the-year cold has settled into its familiar spot in my sinuses. Kid germs are voracious and fast--and unilaterally inescapable. But I still managed to put in over 13 hours today!


And of course, to steal a quote from George Burns "I can't die now, I'm booked!"

*cough, cough*

My calendar for next week is SOLIDLY booked with meetings. I might see my kids for about a day and a half.

Right now, I have to go to bed. (Of course, to do that I must cut out all of the things that I laminated today so they will no longer be piled on my bed!)

1 comment:

elly_leaverton said...

The parents are meeting with you during the day or are you booked in the evenings too?